Sitting here on the porch of my little log cabin, enjoying the tranquil setting and the gradually 'cooling' evening (it's 10.30pm & only 28°). Time to indulge in some much needed introspection. It's been a hectic few days: compiling lesson plans, riding all over Battambang looking for various supplies, seeing the logistical operation Daisy, Erin & Jedtha had to organise to get the kids out to their respective villages for the weekend and, best of all, spending time with some truly inspirational children:
As Pchum Ben is considered to be a festive holiday, it was decided that the kids who were staying behind in BB should have some fun too. So yesterday we took all the kids, who either don't have any family to visit or don't want to visit them, to the 'Fun Park' and you know what ? WE HAD BUCKETS OF FUN !
"C" at the Fun Park
Cheang, at 17 has only been at school since he was 14 and studies so hard his command of English is already exceptional. All he wants is to be able to go to Australia where " can study whatever you want...and be whatever you want to be, even if you are poor and have no family.."
"P" - helping to organise the younger boys
"P" is 18 and although he is pretty well illiterate, as I mentioned in an earlier post, he's a truly gifted pianist and artist. He's kind, gentle and thoughtful and can dance up a storm - not to mention he's drop-dead gorgeous and he really doesn't seem to know it.
Little "J" came to CCT as a 3yr old, the size of a 9mnth old baby due to serious neglect and malnutrition. He's still tiny, I assumed he was about 2 when he's actually 4, cute as a button, really affectionate and bursting with energy, you can't help but smile as soon as you see his beaming little face.As the boys turned up the music, Jake started dancing, spinning and jumping so much, he kept falling over laughing.
"H" - eyeing all the girls...or maybe the skating rink..
"H", what a character ! I didn't get any photos of him skating but it was hilarious - he can't skate, but is way too cool to allow himself to look clumsy so every time he fell over, which was every couple of minutes, he'd do this kind of graceful slide down to the ground where he'd strike a pose like it was all part of the plan.
This country does 'cute' with an almost obsessive compulsion.
Just check out these rides:
Whales -The cutest Dodgem Cars in the World !
The girls on the cutest merry-go-round: sea horses, butterflies, frogs..

and Bunnies !!
cute lizards - little Geckos, 'Ching-chok':
even the cutest bananas:
Don't know what these poor birds are...I will call them Peli-Stor-tures - heads bumping on the wire of a much-too-small-cage:
And after a night of shannanigans, we followed up with a party at the Main House today: loads of tasty food, laughing children, loud music and dancing teenage boys - who were certainly not trying to impress the teenage girls...
"D" may have eaten too much..
Always time for hugs..
Daisy, Sinet & Erin - & little "J" looking for another hug..
Let's dance...
Pretty in Pink..
Yep.. always surrounded by girls...
The boys became suddenly shy and stopped dancing when they saw the camera
I love this post. Finally we get to meet some of the amazing kids! Looks like everyone had loads of fun! The kids are gorgeous. xxx
ReplyDeleteThey sure are!!
ReplyDeleteYay, they look like great kids. Looks like you are going to have so much fun and be far to busy.